Sunday 4 March 2012

over coming sufering in a by polar world

refers to at the family member dyeing, being extremely poor, natural illnesses natural disasters among others......
Suffering of change,,,,..
Refers at normal things that gives us that illusion of pleasure like money, sexual desires the turn to a extreme attachment or very pervasive thoughts or prestige, fame, mental anguish, attachment to greed the idea the careers and tittles will make us happy and at the end they don't friends also become enemies and back to friends again among others things or situations...they appear to bring us pleasure at first but they become sources of suffering pervading suffering is,,,,,.
Better describe us, our mental and emotional afflictions accompany by our personal traits develop over time because of the culture and up bringing, ideas off religion, wrong Superior complex, wrong morality, wrong views of creation, and so our mind is condition to believed and things that there not_there ...
Conditioning our mind for unnecessary suffering and so .
In life.......... their is suffering.
Suffering has its causes.
The causes of suffering can be stop.
There is a path to transformation..... Insigth, morality, meditation, wisdom, we lead you to the path. And the path of Bodhisattva and total liberation. of suffering allowing you to irradiate energy. Of love compassion and peace with. A mind full of wisdom call AWAKENED.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

can delussion,bypolarism and even memory lost be restore?????

hospiralisations take place mostly because we donot put attention to our feelings of highly emotiional states ,combine with stressfull situacions of job performing or parental (family)responsabilities,economic spireling down to unhopefull situacion,if teeneger put in a situation that you must finish what you started, or if unreasonable push for other friends to act like a man ,bulling to the point that you are highly emotional ,going from total depression state ,overwelmed by the power of others over you unable to do anything and no one is liscening, and force to performe in a enviroment toxic for youf health fisical and mental aswell as emotional,we find our selfs,sad and lonley to hyper active where we are force to live or study or associated with people that is only trying to harm us ,or we feel complete un aproove by others, but our selfs sometimes even though we know this ,we contineu to sorround ourself with this people or contineu to try to impress others trying to please everyone spreading ourself to thin,puting our selfs in total volatile situations,bringing our mind and bodies to operate in high alert ,acting in pure inpuls  ,bringing our minds to the edge off all kinds of menatl illness and emotional states like depression,and our inmune system taking shots upon shots of panishment . eventually the inmune system also gives up given chance to other source of illnesses heading our way all because we have not being able to cope with our situations,and so we must learn to avoid toxic circustances,we must learn to recongnise them,and we must create antidots in our mind that will  helps to cope , to prevent , to overcome and heal our selfs and ,just like a snake vennon is toxic ,there is also a antidoto.  ecxept this antidot we are using is through our own mind and it is call awerness or conscioussness. AWERNESS OR CONSCIOUSS OF WHAT ? awerness of our emotions and the enviroment arround us or eniroment we put our selfs into, and consciouss of our thoughs our language,our hatred, our fears the fames fight or flight effect somethime in our own families that is what we come to be awere of or conscious andso we reach for medicine of preventions and coping ,and avoiding,(not a conventional medicine enless that is what you want to a magic pill)but a medicine of the mind and antidot of ,self awerness avoiding trouble and creating peace in our minds and an our sorroundings,practising forgiveness and kindness.........