Sunday 4 March 2012

over coming sufering in a by polar world

refers to at the family member dyeing, being extremely poor, natural illnesses natural disasters among others......
Suffering of change,,,,..
Refers at normal things that gives us that illusion of pleasure like money, sexual desires the turn to a extreme attachment or very pervasive thoughts or prestige, fame, mental anguish, attachment to greed the idea the careers and tittles will make us happy and at the end they don't friends also become enemies and back to friends again among others things or situations...they appear to bring us pleasure at first but they become sources of suffering pervading suffering is,,,,,.
Better describe us, our mental and emotional afflictions accompany by our personal traits develop over time because of the culture and up bringing, ideas off religion, wrong Superior complex, wrong morality, wrong views of creation, and so our mind is condition to believed and things that there not_there ...
Conditioning our mind for unnecessary suffering and so .
In life.......... their is suffering.
Suffering has its causes.
The causes of suffering can be stop.
There is a path to transformation..... Insigth, morality, meditation, wisdom, we lead you to the path. And the path of Bodhisattva and total liberation. of suffering allowing you to irradiate energy. Of love compassion and peace with. A mind full of wisdom call AWAKENED.